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Wellness Pro Podcast with Cate Stillman

Aug 31, 2018

In this Changemaker Challenge Career Clarity Session, Carly Banks sits down with Yoga Health Coach Colleen Hieber about the prerequisite to Yoga Health Coaching: Body Thrive.

Body Thrive is the prerequisite to Yoga Health Coaching, and it is the model we learn to coach. Prior to Body Thrive, Colleen was overwhelmed -...

Aug 22, 2018

In this Changemaker Challenge episode, Neve Grace Fletcher and Suzanne Lynch chat about what they have learned about creating fun, authentic, in-person experiences for their course members.

Neve was inspired by a training call with Cate that revolved around designing an annual pass that was both fun and...

Aug 22, 2018

In this Changemaker Challenge Career Clarity Session, Carly Banks sits down with Yoga Health Coach Alec Hurley to discuss the difference between fitness instructors and transformational teachers.

Alec was trained professionally as a chef. For years, he led a very arhythmic lifestyle working as a chef and managing...

Aug 17, 2018

In this Changemaker Challenge episode, Yoga Health Coach Marcia Wilson chats with Tania Milliken about how to plan for and approach conversations with networking resources who share our passions.

When we’re turning out passion into our career, we sometimes realize we need help, but we’re hesitant to ask for it. As...

Aug 15, 2018

In this Changemaker Challenge Career Clarity Session, Carly Banks chats with Yoga Health Coach Lynda Spieser about finding your dharma later in life.

For 38 years, Lynda Spieser worked in facilities management for a national food company, leading a team of 20+ people in a deadline-based, high pressure environment....