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Wellness Pro Podcast with Cate Stillman

Apr 28, 2021

In what ways have you been incapacitating yourself? Every day, people make choices that will keep them from realizing their dreams and achieving their goals. They will make excuses, get distracted by other things in their lives, and weeks turn into months, and then into years.

What I want you to ask yourself is this:...

Apr 21, 2021

What challenges are you facing as a health coach? The path to becoming a successful coach is not always easy. There many factors to consider when building a program that differentiates you from other coaches. 

Sales are an incontournable side of coaching, and often the most challenging part of it. As a health coach,...

Apr 15, 2021

In order to become your future self, you will need to develop new habits. But navigating your past, present and future self is not always easy. So much of who we think we are is based on the belief system that was passed on to us. In order to become the next version of yourself, you will need to let go of limiting...

Apr 7, 2021

Two years ago, Paige was overworked and underpaid. A yoga teacher, and part-time studio manager, she managed several income streams, but as much as she worked, her income never seemed to reflect it.

But that would all change after she joined the Yoga Health Coaching Program. For Paige, the habits were a life changer....

Apr 1, 2021

As a Health Coach, you are on a mission to help people be the best version of themselves. But when guiding someone through a transformative journey, you are bound to encounter some roadblocks. And most of them, placed there by the person you are trying to help.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about how to keep your...