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Wellness Pro Podcast with Cate Stillman

Oct 5, 2021

Podcast Intro: 

Ellie Mout, a yoga health coach, and Ann Berklemans discuss how Ellie is transitioning from a corporate job to being an entrepreneur in the health coaching field. Ellie's passion is guiding LGBTQ people to connect with their intuition through body care. Ellie is able to focus on being an entrepreneur with the Yoga Health Coaching program because it provides a great business model with a set of principles and habits that are already laid out and prepared.

Ellie's spiritual path is diverse, which allows her to guide her people in connecting with their intuition and creating an internal space that feels relaxing, protected, and safe. Using the habits as her own guideline, Ellie realizes she must adhere to them regularly in order to remain grounded and well-rested.


What you’ll get out of tuning in: 

  • How to stay on track with the habits.
  • How to connect to your intuition.
  • How to make the transition from a corporate job to being an entrepreneur.



  • This path of Yoga health coaching really kicks my ass and it puts me on the path of transformation. I signed up and I showed up and I have to be out of my comfort zone a lot. 
  • I keep coming back to releasing judgement about how I am doing  the habits and how others are doing the habits, trying to lose the judgement about myself.
  •  The value of the community and the group lie in the power of the posse!
  • Losing the judgement means I can move through the  bumps a lot easier.


  • 2:40-3:34 On my spiritual path I was getting nudged and feeling a pull toward helping people more directly than just casual interactions. 
  • 4:20- 5:30 What does it feel like to run your own transformational group?  
  • 14:02-14:30 As long as I continue to stay connected with the posse and the tribe I can feel the momentum moving me in the direction I want to go even when I’m resisting. 


  • When I'm not practicing the habits I get all up into my head and have anxiety and depression. Ellie M.
  • You have a spiritual depth to you, there’s so much more than meets the eye. Anna B.
  • Learning to intuite what I need for myself and connecting with my body and heart has taken decades of work. Ellie M.
  • As long as I continue to stay connected to the posse and the tribe I can feel the momentum moving me in the direction I want to go even when I'm stuck in resistance. Ellie M.
  • You are a highly respected peer in the YHC organization. Anna B.