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Wellness Pro Podcast with Cate Stillman

Dec 14, 2021

Podcast Intro

Tribes require a common goal and a means of communication. A method of communicating without the presence of the leader. Because if everything has to go through one person, certain degrees of relationship that are fundamental to the progress of individuals within a community would never form.

Changes are inevitable, especially in today’s society. That’s why today, we are going to talk about the shifts that happen when we recognize a transformed level for the community, connection, and collaboration. Stay tuned as Cate Stillman and Elle Broderick share their insights!

What you’ll get out of tuning in:

  • How to utilize the community as a continuous resource?
  • Utilizing help from others (overcoming/rewriting family mantra of help=weakness)
  • How you can balance vulnerability with capability?
  • How to Feel like 'I got this' and 'I'm not in it alone' simultaneously and continuously

    What is working:

    • Two AP' one during YHC and now one in Mastery; both have been incredibly helpful
    • My Mastermind Group provides terrific support and a place to generate ideas and hear other input and reflections and then readjust my thinking

    What is not working:

    • Doubt creeps in when I forget things or cannot access my thoughts clearly or cannot locate the material or navigate technology. This leads to self-criticism 'what makes you think you are ... good enough ... capable ... (fill in the blank)



  • Cate shares what she has learned in Leadership and Development in Communities
  • Cate tells her findings of practices in removing deep-seated trauma
  • Cate shares his tips on handling modern technology
  • Cate talks about her experience of community building


  • [6:47] Is this my Journey or is this Cate’s Journey?
  • [10:46] Seeking Help in Technological Issues
  • [14:40] Giving others the Opportunity to Lead
  • [20:15] Figuring out your Business Model
  • [22:53] Speaking from Care and Conviction
  • [32:43] Networking with Other Yoga Health Coaches


  • “Your career plan has a business model or how your business makes money. You want to remove stuff that takes your time that isn't in alignment with the business model that gets you toward your goals.”
  • “If you don't have a commitment to what you really want, there's no way you're going to get there.”
  • “The other thing that's a big thing for me is having a message from an early age that I don't have what it takes. And I know that to be not true. And I feel like I'm at another level of a move being beyond that.”

Guest Bio: Ellen Broderick

Ellen Broderick is in YHC Mastery Program working to more deeply embrace her Leadership potential. Year two of Inspired Living will launch on November 15th. Ellen also offers Sound Baths, Yoga classes, and Yoga Nidra Meditation Sessions.