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Wellness Pro Podcast with Cate Stillman

May 23, 2018

In this Changemaker Challenge episode, Cate and Grace rap about lifestyle design, signature systems, professional peer groups, and letting go of limiting beliefs. As wellness pros, we’ve invested heavily in our wisdom, yet many of us have trouble asking others to do the same by investing in our courses. The reason why Yoga Health Coaching is so successful is that the Body Thrive system is effective and we learn how to successfully market and enroll members while shifting our mindset so that we can begin to earn at the next level in accordance with the wisdom we possess. While lifestyle freedom might rank high on your wishlist, usually, what is underlying that is a desire for deeper connection in your relationships, including online relationships with course members and colleagues, which will help you grow and evolve personally and professionally. If you want to uplevel your peer group, you have to be proactive about it. As simple and as streamlined as YHC is, it’s still a challenging program that forces you to uplevel and shift your mindset about limitations.


What you’ll get out of tuning in:

  • How our limiting beliefs keep us from earning in accordance with the wisdom we possess.
  • Why Yoga Health Coaching is a such a successful business model.
  • What is underlying your desire for lifestyle freedom.


Links Mentioned in Episode:

Show Highlights:

  • 0:30 - Spring has sprung, and it has sparked creativity and pro-generative juices. There has been a lot of talk on the forums about creating unique offerings, signature programs. Cate gives the example of Yoga Health Coaching, which marries Ayurveda with a freedom-based, location-independent lifestyle. Cate used to offer a signature-system-building program. What she found was that it was really difficult for most people to do that while maintaining an income-producing job. The second thing she found was that even with a good signature system, marketing and enrolling for the course also took a great deal of time and was actually where the majority of one’s time would be spent. So she started offering Yoga Health Coaching as a signature system for others to use.
  • 7:10 - As wellness pros, we’ve invested heavily in our wisdom, yet many of us have trouble asking others to do the same by investing in our courses. Yoga Health Coaching teaches us why it’s not only right to do so, but that we may be doing a disservice to others by not asking them to do so. YHC course members are trained in mindset (our own mindset and the mindset of potential course members) so that we can begin to earn at the next level in accordance with the wisdom we possess using a proven signature system.
  • 8:55 - Yoga Health Coaching is a “business in a box” that is customizable and allows us to capitalize on our own unique strengths. For Grace, the content was exactly the kind of information she wanted to deliver to her course members, so she was able to concentrate on simply becoming a better coach and finding the language for her marketing that would attract the kind of people she wants to work with.
  • 11:00 - Your knowledge and skills are much more directed when you’re creating within the YHC model. Building a signature system has now shifted into YHC Mastery. If there’s a proven system, and you’re in a peer group with others who are working the same system and having success, you quickly realize that if you aren’t, you’re the problem. In YHC, your peer group is there to help you work through that.
  • 13:00 - Sometimes wellness pros create a great signature system, but don’t know how to market it or enroll members. Other times, we create signature systems that aren’t that effective. The reason why YHC is so successful is that the Body Thrive system is effective and we learn how to successfully market and enroll members. It can also be niched to very specific segments of the general population, and because you run your pilot program during your training, you get paid to test it!
  • 15:30 - Working one on one with clients can be exhausting and often leads to burnout because you’re not able to work with them at the level of depth you know is possible. Part of the YHC enrollment process is admitting that what you’ve been doing isn’t working.
  • 17:30 - YHC builds colleague to colleague to relationships that result in deep connection, shared context and a “master mind” effect.
  • 20:17 - While lifestyle freedom might rank high on your wishlist, usually, what is underlying that is a desire for deeper connection in your relationships, including online relationships with course members and colleagues, which will help you grow and evolve personally and professionally.
  • 24:45 - If you want to uplevel your peer group, you have to be proactive about it. As simple and as streamlined as YHC is, it’s still a challenging program that forces you to uplevel and shift your mindset about limitations.


Favorite Quotes:

  • “If you have a blank canvas, and you can create a signature system given everything that you know, it’s actually a harder place to start than when someone’s like, ‘This is the universe. Create within here.’ --- Cate Stillman
  • “What we looked at in Yoga Health Coaching is How do we pivot in real time? How do we pivot to the kind of work we want to be doing, the kind of depth we want to be working at, the kind of people we want to be working with, at a level of depth of investment.” --- Cate Stillman
  • “When you have no resistance to the method and the methodology, things happen really, really, really fast!” --- Cate Stillman