Apr 8, 2020
Listen in as Cate talks with Yoga Health Coach Alexandra Epple about her four-and-a-half month, 2,800 kilometer transformational journey through identity dissolution.
Alexandra Epple is an Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher, and yoga health coach. But more important than all those labels, is her drive to constantly recreate herself. Last year, after having lived in the US for 20 years, she decided to move back to her home country Germany. A decision driven by inner knowing rather than any analytical reason. As a transition between the two countries she decided to walk the one month, 900 km pilgrimage path Camino Frances in Spain. And then, she kept walking..... In the end, she ended up walking 4.5 months and 2,800 km until she knocked on her parent's door in Germany. Now it is time to recreate her life from scratch, a task that is exciting and expansive yet daunting at the same time.